Arts in the Neighborhood


Arts in the Neighborhood (AIN)

We develop ways to share cultural life by bringing arts to our neighborhoods and inviting the neighborhoods to be part of our downtown life -- a cultural “bridge” between artists and the public. AIN has also developed interactive and educational videos. 

Monthly Gallery Art Shows

Arts2Go! for Kids 2025

Lycoming Arts Gallery
Arts in the Neighborhood

Featured Artists - Opening Receptions 5pm - 9pm*

  • January - Marjorie Maddox & Karen Elias - Includes Book Launch
  • February - Anniversary Totebag Design Winning Artist Showcase
  • March - Maggie Kemmerer
  • April - Elaine Rockoff / Loyalsock School District
  • May - Uriah Marcellus Hammond / Montgomery School District
  • June - Sue Nichols
  • July - Leslie Landon
  • August - Damon McCloskey
  • September - Shane Kiefer
  • October - Debra Moffitt
  • November - TBD
  • December - TBD

* Unless otherwise indicated.

Tommy Grico

Art2Go! Program

Our mobile Art Cart goes to neighborhoods, along with paid artists. Designed to provide and support programming in areas lacking access to such services to date. Find the Art2Go! Art Cart at First Fridays and First Saturdays -- everyone leaves with their own work of art!

See the 2024 Art Cart Schedule at Williamsport First Fridays

Y’Art Galleries (Youth Art Program) & College Town Gallery

Elementary, High school and College students bring their classwork to share in a gallery setting, kicks off the first Friday of each month and runs for the entire month long.  Students participate and learn what it is like to “show” their art, and sometimes even sell their art! 

Lycoming Arts Gallery Student Art September 2023

Art on 4th Program

Workshops that bring a variety of mediums to the public, kids to adults. Paid artists / instructors lead the classes and each participant will leave with a finished project!  

Lycoming Arts, through our committees has enhanced and increased the cultural life of downtown Williamsport:

  • Arts in the Neighborhood
  • Williamsport First Friday
  • Public ARTWORKS
  • Lycoming Arts Film Office

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